Most of us that compete have some idea in our head about how we will look on the day when we step on stage. Many times the way that we envision ourselves and the reality of the way that we actually turn out looking on competition day are very different. A good example of this is a recent experience of mine. A few months ago I competed in a women's only mini triathlon. I didn't think that I needed to practice swimming for the event since the swim was not very far. I pictured myself swimming beautifully with nice even strokes and breathing easily. On the actual competition day when I jumped into the pool I immediately began to flail around and I think a couple of times I even yelled "help, I'm drowning!". This was a lesson that I learned the hard way. The way that I planned this event to be and the way that it turned out to be were VERY different.
When we get ready for competition, we usually all have a plan of action. It can get very confusing at times. Do we carb deplete and carb load? Do we try to dry out? If we do dry out how do when know when we are too dry or not dry enough. Sometimes it feels like whatever you choose to do it the wrong thing for that particular show. Everyone is different in their response to dietary manipulations and I think each individual has to figure out what works for them. We all do extreme and sometimes crazy things to make it to our target weight. My husband and I once sat in the car with sauna suits on and the heater blaring in order shed a "few"pounds of water in order to make weight. My husband subsequently almost passed out at the pre judging and the EMS showed up. I told the EMS that I was a doctor and that I would take care of him. I was also suffering from dehydration and was probably delirious. In my mind I was thinking that he had to go back because he was going to win. I realize now that I had kind of a warped sense of priorities back then. We made another attempt to peak at the right time at another show a few years later. This time we were spot on when we showed up for the weigh in. After weighing in, we went back to our hotel room to rest. My husband again was really dehydrated. He was so dry that he started to have SEVERE cramps in his legs. He started screaming so loud that it sounded like a crime scene. I thought people were going to think that I was stabbing him. After what seemed like an eternity of screaming bloody murder and some electrolyte replenishing, his cramping finally resolved and we tried to get some sleep. During the night my toes began to cramp up and I ended up rigging the sheet to hold my feet in the dorsiflexed position so that they would not cramp up. I am by no means proud of the things that we have done in our pursuit the almighty competition. We have definitely learned many things the hard way.
I can't even begin to count the number of times that we would feel like we were peaking on the day after the competition. We would think if the judges could just see us now in the right light and with the right oil then we would be the ones in the middle! When you see the overall winners up on stage at a competition you are think to yourself that they really have it all together. The next time that you see these winners on stage i hope that you will appreciate all of the blood sweat and tears that it took for them to get there. Also you might notice the ones standing to the side who may have just missed the brass ring by a day or two. No fear they will all be back next year because thats what we do... we keep coming back for more.
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